All Art

97 items

Marbled leather Bracelets


The Whimsy of the Animal Kingdom

Matted watercolor artwork that depicts the whimsical nature of a fox and hare.

Matted watercolor artwork that depicts the whimsical nature of a fox and hare.


Framed art by Bruce

11x13 Frames with 4.5 x 6.5 water color art

11x13 Frames with 4.5 x 6.5 water color art


Ornamental windchimes

Made by  Brenda Ryan

Made by  Brenda Ryan


Large Pendant necklace

adjustable large glass necklace

adjustable large glass necklace


Earrings by McKenna

Hand crafted Earrings made by McKenna Buttigieg

Hand crafted Earrings made by McKenna Buttigieg


Wooden Coffee scoop

Approximately 2 tablespoons each. Hand crafted from Michigan Hardwoods by Karen Barden

Approximately 2 tablespoons each. Hand crafted from Michigan Hardwoods by Karen Barden


Mystery hide n seek


Ice Break

Framed 16x20 Acrylic pour By Betsy

Framed 16x20 Acrylic pour By Betsy
