$250 to $1000

Artwork priced $250 and higher
4 items


21.5 x 17.5 Framed acrylic Painting on stretched Canvas by Bonnie Lou

21.5 x 17.5 Framed acrylic Painting on stretched Canvas by Bonnie Lou


Sea life

16x29x1.5   Pallet knife paiting with Acrylic paint on canvas

16x29x1.5   Pallet knife paiting with Acrylic paint on canvas


Boat , Dog and Flower pot

16 x 20 x 1.5 Acrylic Painting on Canvas

16 x 20 x 1.5 Acrylic Painting on Canvas


Miners Castle

Acrylic on paper 20x24 Framed in a double white mat with black inner liner. Brown and gold frame

Acrylic on paper 20x24 Framed in a double white mat with black inner liner. Brown and gold frame
