
Art created in Studio45 by local artists.
6 items

Swirly snakes

16x20 mixed media by Jamie

16x20 mixed media by Jamie


winter penguin

16x20 activity fund

16x20 activity fund



16x20 acrylic painting on stretched canvas by Vickie #141

16x20 acrylic painting on stretched canvas by Vickie #141


Coffee cup mug with Phoenix image

Phoenix on both sides of coffee cup mug. Artwork was done by Carl #103

Phoenix on both sides of coffee cup mug. Artwork was done by Carl #103


Purple Rain

16x20 acrylic painting on stretched canvas by  Studio45

16x20 acrylic painting on stretched canvas by  Studio45


Believe in your dreams

16x20 acrylic painting with Vinyl by angie #148

16x20 acrylic painting with Vinyl by angie #148
